Ideal Or Real
Stop. Pray. Choose.
This Is Home
ME to WE
Follow Me
Fields of Gold


series-resources-ideal-or-realFollowing the outline of Timothy Keller's book, The Meaning of Marriage, we will examine marriage through numerous Scriptures passages. We want every single and married person at Kingsway to have a healthy, godly perspective on marriage as a whole.

We will work to save marriages that are broken, equip singles who are considering marriage, strengthen healthy marriages, encourage singles who don't want to be married, and help men and women understand their unique roles.

Through it all, we want to be a gathering of Christians who support one another in love.

Note: Sermon discussion notes for this series are not available. Click the "series resources" link to download a small group/individual study guide that corresponds with this series.

September 29, 2013

If It Feels Right ...

September 22, 2013

What's Right for You May Not Be Right for Me

September 15, 2013

Mrs. Right

September 8, 2013

Mr. Right

September 1, 2013

The Right Spouse Is ...

August 25, 2013

Might Makes Right

August 18, 2013

The "Right" Way

August 11, 2013

Becoming Mr. or Mrs. Right

August 4, 2013

Finding Mr. or Mrs. Right

Self control is choosing to do what you should do, not what you want to do.

I want that bowl of ice cream but I should probably take a walk. I want to buy the newest game console but I should probably save a few dollars for a rainy day. I want to shade the truth to make myself look better but I'd better be honest.

None of us have mastered self control. But, we can all take steps to follow Jesus more closely when it comes to what we choose to do and not to do.

Throughout this Big Idea Series, which kicks off with Family Central Sunday, we're going to take at look at the biblical theme of self control. We will look through the lens of Joseph's story in the book of Genesis. We'll be following the outline of his story and making some big applications from his life to our own.

July 28, 2013

Choose To Forgive

July 21, 2013

Choose To Save

July 14, 2013

Choose To Flee

July 7, 2013

Family Central Sunday

There's no perfect family. There's no perfect church. But, do you want to hear the good news? You don't have to be perfect to be functional. The healthiest families and churches work at remaining healthy. They learn to work together in all of their diversity. They move in the same direction together. They forgive one another's faults. They keep one another in check. And, while they're plodding through it, they manage to have a lot of fun, create a lot of memories and to love one another well.

At Kingsway, we're a family. We're not perfect; but we're learning to love one another, to serve one another, to forgive freely, to honor God and to accomplish the mission he's given us.

June 30, 2013

The Most Important Family Rule

June 23, 2013

When the Rules are Broken

June 16, 2013

House Rules

June 9, 2013

Breaking Cycles

June 2, 2013

Adopted Children

May 26, 2013

Heroes in Our Midst

May 19, 2013

When and How to Speak Up

May 12, 2013

Spiritual Parenting

May 5, 2013

Becoming a Family Member

During the month of April, we're going to experience a Big Idea Series that is designed to challenge every person who calls Kingsway their church home to take a fresh look at an important topic.

We're switching our perspective from ME to WE.

We live in a world that is constantly telling each of us to live for ME. We learn at an early age to take care of ourselves and to make sure we get what we need. But the Bible flips that entire thought process upside-down; it literally urges us to change our ME perspective to a WE perspective.

We're going to talk about how we can live for a WE that is bigger than ME. Specifically, we're going to look at Jesus' example of serving. And, since ME to WE is a Big Idea Series, everyone from preschool-age and up will be talking about the same themes from the same Bible stories each week.

April 28, 2013

Family Central Sunday

April 21, 2013

No Cheap Service

April 14, 2013

I Lay Me Down

April 7, 2013

Stirred To Compassion

“Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”

With these words, Jesus forever changed the life of a young fisherman named Simon. We know him better as Peter, one of Jesus' closest companions, the leader of Jesus' band of disciples and one of the most influential characters in the early decades of the life of the Church.

What happened to young, brash fisherman named Simon that turned him into a wise, faithful leader? Was his journey simple and uncomplicated or difficult and complex? Was it smooth sailing or rough seas? Was it straight or winding? Was it full of joy and success or failure and disappointment? Was it a combination of all these things?

Join us as we look at the life of Peter - the Rock - and as we discover what it means to follow Jesus.

March 31, 2013

Follow Me ... Again

March 24, 2013


March 17, 2013

To Whom Would We Go?

March 10, 2013

A Tale of Two Sinners

March 3, 2013

Follow Me

The fiscal cliff. The debt ceiling. Interest rates, inflation, taxes ...

What emotions stir in you when you hear those words? Fear? Worry? Anger? Despair? When we see ourselves as responsible to meet our own needs, we find ourselves focused on those things rather than trusting God. God desires a different story for us. God wants us to trust him. Will we?

We begin seeing amazing blessings when we first see everything as belonging to God. By trusting him to meet our daily needs, we are released from the fears of this world and are aligned to become more like our generous God.

Learn how to prioritize finances and grow in your ability to trust God.

February 24, 2013

God's Plan for your Life

February 17, 2013

Would you Rather ... ?

February 10, 2013

Avoiding the Mine Field

February 3, 2013

When God is Small

December 13, 2020

Give More

December 6, 2020

Generous Heart & Spending Less

November 29, 2020

The Challenge of Affluence

November 22, 2020

Identity Shift

November 15, 2020


November 8, 2020

The School of Contentment

November 1, 2020

Jesus the King

October 25, 2020

Morality (Impurity)

October 18, 2020

The Value of Life

October 11, 2020


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