Be Bold: Safe Is Boring
The Walking Dead
Christmas Unwrapped
The Untamable Tongue
Revelation - The End
Money: God or Gift

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Be Bold: Safe is Boring


The Christian life is full of adventure when it is actually lived.  For many of us we are more worried about staying safe than living fully.  We are bombarded with the constant fears and questions of “what if”, so we never move from our safe places to actually follow God’s leading in our lives.  The reality is that when it comes to this life we can never be safe on our own.  God did not promise a life without fear, but He did promise a life greater than anything we could lose. He promised do be our safety when we are living boldly for Him.

In this series we are answering the question: “Who are we and where are we going?”  In the book of Acts, the first church lived a life so bold that it changed the course of history and impacted the world as we know it.  As God’s Church and plan A for the world, He calls us to Be Bold and follow His Spirit’s leading in our lives.  Being bold enough to truly live is not the absence of fear, but rather the presence of faith.  So Be Bold because Safe is boring.


Week 1: Bold Vision

Week 2 : No Strings-Attached Relationships 

Week 3 :  The Big Ask

Week 4 : Grasping Generously

Week 5 : Full of It 

Week 6 : Road to Somewhere

Week 7 : You Have to See This


March 20, 2016

You Have To See This

March 13, 2016

Road to Somewhere

March 6, 2016

Full Of It

February 28, 2016

Grasping Generosity

February 21, 2016

The Big Ask

February 14, 2016

No Strings Attached

February 7, 2016

Bold Vision

Week 1 [2/7]: Bold Vision (Acts 1-2:41—Vision Statement) God gives us His life-changing power through the Holy Spirit not to be inward-focused and more holy; rather, to be outward-focused and witness to the world (Acts 1:8).


We all struggle with these things. It can make you feel like “The Walking Dead.” You’re living, but without energy, hope or direction.

Join us on Sundays in January 2016 for a new series: The Walking Dead. We’ll explore the challenges of living and find fresh encouragement and purpose for our lives and families in the new year!

CONTENT: Revelations 19-22 (chronologically)

  • Week 1: The Infected (Revelation 19:1-10—The Wedding Feast)
  • Week 2: World War Z (Revelation 19:11-20:10—Triumph over the Enemy))
  • Week 3: Hell on Earth (Hell) (Revelation 20)
  • Week 4: The Cure (Heaven) (Revelation 21)
  • Week 5: Alive (Revelation 22—The Redeemed)


January 31, 2016


January 24, 2016


January 17, 2016

Hell On Earth

January 10, 2016

World War Z

January 3, 2016

The Infected

December 20, 2015

Born to Die

December 13, 2015

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

December 6, 2015

3 Guys, A Barn and a Baby

The tradition of the Nativity. Brought about by St. Francis of Assisi in 1200 because he felt the celebration of Jesus birth was being lost in the tradition of gift giving. So he decided to recreate the live birth of Jesus Christ in what we known now as a Nativity. We too want to use this month to reclaim Christmas as the celebration of Jesus. He wanted the nativity to represent simplicity, poverty and humility. Many of our traditions we hold today came about in history as ways of pointing people back to Christ and why He came. Each week we will take a look at various traditions and retell the old story of long ago.

November 29, 2015

The Untamable Tongue

Revelation Chapter 4 - 17

God blesses those who heed the prophecy of the church and blesses all wo listen and obey what it says.

November 22, 2015

Revelation - The End - Week 8

November 15, 2015

Revelation - The End - Week 7

November 8, 2015

Revelation - The End - Week 6

November 1, 2015

Revelation - The End - Week 5

October 25, 2015

Revelation - The End - Week 4

October 18, 2015

Revelation - The End - Week 3

October 11, 2015

Revelation - The End - Week 2

October 4, 2015

Revelation - The End

A study of the book Money: God or Gift

Whatever you call it, the god of gold promises security, peace of mind, comfort, status, freedom, and all of our wildest dreams come true. From the Bible to the Beatles, however, our culture is filled with reminders that money can't buy what actually matters in life.

And yet money stills keeps us up at night. People worry about it, live for it, die for it, and even kill for it. Money: God of Gift presents a better way:

  • Get money without getting greedy
  • Spend money without shame
  • Save money without stressing
  • Give money without guilt
  • Enjoy money as a gift without worshipping it as a god

Put money in its proper place, and be set free.

September 27, 2015

Money: God or Gift - Week Five

September 20, 2015

Money: God or Gift - Week Four

September 13, 2015

Money: God or Gift - Week Three

September 6, 2015

Money: God or Gift - Week Two

August 30, 2015

Money: God Or Gift - Week One

September 19, 2021

What I Have For What I Want

September 12, 2021

This For That

September 5, 2021

Here For There

August 29, 2021

Choosing To Cheat

August 22, 2021

About My Father's Business

August 15, 2021

Loving Mondays

August 8, 2021

Another Manic Monday

August 1, 2021

Working for the Weekends

July 25, 2021

For the Bible Tells Me So

July 18, 2021

Heaven's Gate To Open Wide

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