The Gift
Circle Maker

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November 23, 2014


November 16, 2014


November 9, 2014


November 2, 2014


October 26, 2014


GOD is family.

God Is… a Father, and Jesus is His Son.  1 John 1:1-4

I am… a child of God. 1 John 2:12-14, 1 John 2:23

I have… fellowship with God in Jesus Christ.  1 John 2:26-29

I do… remain faithful and in fellowship with God the Father.  1 John 2:24-25

October 19, 2014

GOD is Love

October 12, 2014

GOD is Light

October 5, 2014

GOD is family.

GOD is family! God Is… a Father, and Jesus is His Son. 1 John 1:1-4 I am… a child of God. 1 John 2:12-14, 1 John 2:23 I have… fellowship with God in Jesus Christ. 1 John 2:26-29 I do… remain faithful and in fellowship with God the Father. 1 John 2:24-25

This series will walk through our new vision, mission and core values at Kingsway.

Our Vision: Kingsway...a place where the lost and broken are transformed by the love of Christ.

Our Mission: To lead people who are far from God into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Series kicks-off August 10.


September 28, 2014


September 21, 2014


September 14, 2014


September 7, 2014

Life Change

August 31, 2014

Grace and Truth

August 24, 2014


August 17, 2014

Our Mission

August 10, 2014

Our Vision

God honors bold prayers, because bold prayers honor God.

The Circle Maker

"Drawing prayer circles around our dreams isn’t just a mechanism whereby we accomplish great things for God. It’s a mechanism whereby God accomplishes great things in us.” Do you ever sense that there’s far more to prayer, and to God’s vision for your life, than what you’re experiencing? It’s time you learned from the legend of Honi the Circle Maker—a man bold enough to draw a circle in the sand and not budge from inside it until God answered his prayers for his people. What impossibly big dream is God calling you to draw a prayer circle around? Sharing inspiring stories from his own experiences as a circle maker, Mark Batterson will help you uncover your heart’s deepest desires and God-given dreams and unleash them through the kind of audacious prayer that God delights to answer.


August 3, 2014

If Only

July 27, 2014

Sleepless Nights

July 20, 2014

Make Me

July 13, 2014

What do you want?

July 6, 2014

Circle Under God

2 Chronicles 6 -7 If we want to see repentance and change come to our schools, our nation and our families, then it must begin with us. We cannot wait for a governmental figure or a community leader to change what is our duty to change. We must follow in the warning of God from 2 Chronicles 7, and turn and seek the face of the Lord. In this message we'll look at Solomon's buildilng of and dedication of the Temple, and his plea for the Lord to turn His face toward Israel and be "with" them.

June 29, 2014


June 22, 2014

A Life Less Ordinary

June 15, 2014

Even if He Doesn't

June 8, 2014

Ready. Fire. Aim

May 25, 2014

Internet Safety and Sexual Purity Seminar

May 25, 2014

WARNING! Parents this is an adult theme, not suitable for all audiences. How and when should I educate my children about sexual purity and internet safety?

May 18, 2014

Angels and Demons Q&A

May 18, 2014

Angels and Demons Seminar

May 18, 2014

What are the roles of angels and demons?

May 11, 2014

How can I reintroduce faith to my kid who no longer believes?

May 4, 2014

How do you love someone who is homosexual without contradicting the Bible?

April 27, 2014

How do you relearn to trust after it has been broken?

April 25, 2021

Addiction Must Fall

April 18, 2021

Rejection Must Fall

April 11, 2021

Fear Must Fall

April 4, 2021

Easter At Kingsway 2021

March 28, 2021

Love Our Neighbors

March 21, 2021

Grow Leaders

March 14, 2021

Multiply Our Impact

March 7, 2021

Thrive Spiritually

February 28, 2021

Pure Passion

February 21, 2021

This is Not the Way

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