We Like Sheep: I AM (a kids perspective)

April 23, 2024 | Becca Cox

My family and I have been coming to Kingsway for as long as I can remember. I LOVE the LIME room, but sometimes I get to go to other rooms and those are SUPER COOL too. It’s fun to come to church because my best friend goes here, too! We get to hang out, but also sing and dance and learn about Jesus which is super fun! It’s kinda crazy because, for the last couple of weeks, my mom, dad, sister and I have all been learning about the same thing at church. It’s like they were all in the Lime Room and Large Group, but I know they weren’t! It’s crazy!

The COOLEST thing happened yesterday. We parked in our usual spot and my sister and I were fighting about who would get to push the automatic door button. My dad just ended up opening the door (which ruined the fun), but we got out of the car, and there, in the grass, in front of MY CHURCH, were SHEEP. Real life, "baa baa baa", SHEEP! It was AWESOME. My sister and I looked both ways (safety first) and then ran across the parking lot to see them. We held our hands out and my sister even picked some grass to try and feed it to the sheep. They seemed more interested in huddling together, but one of them did venture over and I got to pet it! It was really soft. I had no idea there were going to be sheep at church! Then, my mom said we had to hurry inside or we were going to be late (I don’t mind being late, but apparently adults do, so, whatever.)

We went to the check-in space, which is just a bunch of cool tablets and nice people. I know my family's code, so I punched in our numbers and got our tags. I looked down at my tag, which usually has LIME printed on it (the coolest room around), but the letters B.L.U.E stared back at me. The BLUE ROOM!? WHAAAA? I’ve never been in the Blue room. That’s for big kids… did this mean? Could it be? I’m a BIG KID?! Woah. I got sooo excited! I pulled my mom towards the door and saw a sign that pointed me into the Blue room right next to check-in! The Blue room was awesome. There was a giant “Connect 4” game, really cool lava squares on the ground, and even whiteboards we got to draw on! We sat down with our teacher and worked on some cool activity pages and then it was time for us to line up for Large Group. The teacher said there was a special surprise today. I worked hard to stand still in line, but special surprises make me SOOO excited that I just had to wiggle a little bit. When we walked into the Large Group room they were playing really fun music and that made me wiggle even more! I love to dance! But, we didn’t stop at our usual spots to sit down. We kept walking out of this really awesome, secret door, and guess what… WE GOT TO PET THE SHEEP AGAIN!! It was the best day ever. We pet the sheep, and the shepherd guy told us that the sheep like to be scratched on their chins so I scratched it and we became best friends.

Then, we went back in for Large Group and we got to sing and dance which I LOOVEE, and then our teacher taught us about how Jesus is the Good Shepherd and takes care of us, His sheep! I thought that was awesome. If that shepherd outside knew that his sheep liked to be scratched on their cheeks, then maybe Jesus knows the things that I like and lets other people know, too. I’m super glad that Jesus is my Good Shepherd and that I don’t have to take care of myself!

After Large Group, we went back to the blue room and talked a little more about what it means to be Jesus’ sheep. Then, we played a really cool game with balloons and pool noodles and we had to try and corral the balloon sheep into the certain side of the room. It was really fun! I tried to teach my sister at home, but she didn’t really get it. Anyway, when we got back in the car before Mom and Dad could even ask what I learned in church I said, "We learned about Jesus being a good shepherd... what did you learn?" Believe it or not… those Big Church people learned the SAME THING!
