Wait...I'm Supposed to Seek Jesus Like My Next Pizza?

April 18, 2024 | Christian Crampton

Now and again, we get the opportunity as a church to go all in and do a sermon series as one! One of the things that is exciting and challenging for us as a student team is the chance to get creative and share the same content Pastor Matt is working through on the main stage with a group of middle school and high school students. Throughout the series so far, we’ve had the chance to play games with bread, including Darrin making a PB&J sandwich with his bare hands as a sermon illustration, and take glow sticks to remind us that we have the light in us that Jesus said that he was. We’re also going to challenge our students to try something new and do a guided meditation over Psalm 23 to remind ourselves that Jesus is our good shepherd. Finally, we'll end the series with some good ol’ fashion fruit smashing! You read that right. We’re going to go out with a bang and smash a bunch of fruit to talk about how Jesus is the vine!

But all the fun and games aside, it has been such an awesome opportunity to have candid conversations with our students about the concept of Jesus being enough for them in their lives. Each week I have the chance to host a group of Juniors and Seniors in my home. Last week, as we met, we had a pretty open conversation about how the idea of needing Jesus like we need food is something all of us struggle with. It was such a powerful reminder of the way that Jesus wants to be central to our lives; not just part of it here or there. He wants to be at the same level of need in our lives as the anticipation of the next meal we’re looking forward to. As we spent some time talking through this idea, it struck us how we all struggle to do that well. It’s a hard mindset to constantly have! I don’t know about you, but I love food. So, to think about my need for Jesus in the same way I want that next delicious meal has challenged me and changed me to seek him better. I think we often seek Jesus in the times when things get hard and when we really need him to show up, but what he’s telling us through the statement "I am the Bread of Life", is that he is the only meal we ever need and that the rate that we need him is the same as it is for food. I know that for me to take that next step with Jesus in my own life, I need to make sure that I hunger for him daily in the same way I do for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all the snacks in between. And to think...all of this came from a good conversation with a bunch of high school students!

We hope that this series has had as big of an impact on you as it has on us. And please, talk to your students about what they are learning in this series too. I promise you won’t be disappointed by their insight! If you need a little help in figuring out how to ask about it, check out the table talks for families to get the conversation started!  It might just change the way that you see Jesus interacting with you and the world around you! Want to participate in our table talks and daily devotions? They can be found in our lobby or our Kingsway App!



Sundays at 9:00 AM | 11:00 AM | ONLINE

Kingsway Christian Church
7981 E County Road 100 N | Avon, Indiana 46123