Satisfied | The Mid Week Challenge (week 2)

November 18, 2020

"Comparison is a destroyer." 

Jeff Manion writes in his book, Satisfied, this powerful realization.

It's true. It destroys our trust in God, making us question His fairness; question if He's holding out on us. It all started in the garden with Adam and Eve thinking God was holding out with this one tree. Think about that. They had access to anything and everything else - but this one tree. Ever since that moment, we have all been fighting this battle.

Who hasn't had a "that's not fair!!" moment? So, what do we do about it? Well as Pastor Matt says, the antidote for comparison is to count our blessings. Take some time today to do just that. Catch up with his Mid Week Challenge for our second week in the Satisfied series. 

If you find yourself empty, there is nothing on your list please know you are not alone. Our team is here for you and would love to talk through this with you. Please call us at 317.272.2222 or send us an email today.


Sundays at 9:00 AM | 11:00 AM | ONLINE

Kingsway Christian Church
7981 E County Road 100 N | Avon, Indiana 46123