June 19 - Daily Pause

June 19, 2020 | Darrin Simpson

Read: John 21: 7-13 

Reflection: Jesus died on the cross. The disciples headed back to what was comfortable. Jesus appears to them 3 times, this is the 3rd. The disciples' lives were turned upside down when they lost Jesus. Let me ask this - When you are hurting and lost; when devastation hits, where do you run? What is your go-to? How do you see Jesus in your hurt? Is He at the center? Do you believe He’s with you or do you believe he’s left you?

There is no denying that when Jesus shows up, big things happen. My favorite verse in this section comes at the end of verse 12 – The Disciples knew it was Jesus, there was no questioning that. In your moments, remember this. Jesus cares more about you then what you do for Him. Even in your hurt, he shows up – and sometimes with breakfast J

After reading this, – go find a few piece of paper and make a paper airplane. If you have family members in your home, challenge them to do it as well. The unseen forces around that airplane are what allow it to fly. Let that be a constant reminder that Jesus, even though you don’t see Him, is always there for you

Prayer: Jesus shows up in a big way. In our chaos and uncertainty, make a way for us to see you and run to you. Let us not give up. Let us persevere as you set the example by enduring the cross and taking our sin. Jesus, we know you never leave us, nor forsake us and you care far more about us than you do about what we accomplish for you. Jesus let us rest in your amazing grace and remember all you’ve done for us.


Sundays at 9:00 AM | 11:00 AM | ONLINE

Kingsway Christian Church
7981 E County Road 100 N | Avon, Indiana 46123