July 7 Daily Pause

July 7, 2020 | R.V. Peter

READ: Matthew 5: 13-16

REFLECTION: As I read these words I begin to ponder about salt. The good and the bad about it. At times not enough and it has done nothing to what you added it to. Too much of it and it has ruined what you put it in. But just the right amount and it leaves you craving more of what it has been added too. In this parable what I hear is that the way we walk, talk, act, and live out the gospel in our daily lives should be like salt and make life better not only for ourselves but also for those around us. It should be in such a way that as the salt of our lives touches the taste buds of those we encounter and they have just a taste it leaves them wanting more of what we have. It causes them to be hungry and or thirsty for the thing that we have, which we know is Jesus.  He also tells us that we are a light of the world. In that same way, do you live a life that brings light to those around you? Do you live in a way that exalts the Lord and gives him the glory he deserves? If you were placed on the side of a hill to light up for others, how bright would you shine?

PRAYER: Papa, today I pray that you challenge us, I pray that you call out the areas of our lives where we need to add or take away some salt, I pray that you show us where we need to ask for more of your light to shine so that we can shine for those around us, Jesus we ask that you come and remove that which is hindering us from being what you have called us to be, whatever that is, father help us to lift all glory to you, we ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


Sundays at 9:00 AM | 11:00 AM | ONLINE

Kingsway Christian Church
7981 E County Road 100 N | Avon, Indiana 46123